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Today our contractor and architect met with an engineer and carpenter to discuss our plans. I'm super excited to learn what was discussed...Can our foundation support a 2nd floor? Will the cost of ripping off the roof and other renovations cost more than the expected $80K? Hopefully we'll find out soon...

In the meantime, I'm on craigslist looking for appliances. This Sunday we bought an awesome cast iron sink with faucet already attached for $50 (no pictures...sorry). I'm still on the search for a fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer/dryer, cabinets/counter and tub. It's awesome the number things you can find on craigslist in great condition for an even better price. For the things we can't find on craigslist, we'll use the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Raleigh and the Reuse Warehouse in Durham. We love reusing other people's throw aways! We're also planning on reusing wood floors for the upstairs...if they're available. Last month we came across some used heart pine floors like ours, but we weren't ready to buy yet. Let's hope we get that lucky again!

Not much more happening with the house right now. Have I told you we expect to start construction by December 1st? Until then we'll be working on getting a better cost list and needed permits. Woohoo!

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